- Dimensions / W110mm D40mm H50mm
コーヒーを淹れる最初のプロセスは、コーヒー豆を「すくう」こと。この最初のプロセスを大事にしたいのでデザインしてほしいということで依頼されたメージャースプーンのデザイン。コーヒーは嗜好品であるということから、CAPIME coffeeオーナー亀谷氏の発案で、同じ嗜好品であるキセルをモチーフにデザイン。「すり切り10gではなく、自然にすくって10g」をテーマに作成。
The first process in making coffee is “scooping” the coffee beans. I was asked to design a measure spoon to take care of this first process. Coffee is one of “Shikohin (preferences)”. I designed this in the motif of a pipe that is also one of “Shikohin” with an idea by Mr. KAMETANI who is a CAPIME coffee owner.
Enjoy the Posture
It is an important tool you touch in the first step for making coffee.
This is a measure spoon for coffee beans that has a beautiful curve as you automatically want to hold and gripe, and also has a moderate weight.
It is for enjoying the posture to “scoop coffee beans”.
Produce /
Yasuyuki Kametani (CAPIME coffee)
Manufacturer /
F CAST Co.Ltd,.
CAPIME coffeehttp://capime-coffee.com/