- Material / STEEL
- Dimensions / W600mm D500mm H1650mm (Base:φ500mm)
FINGERS CROSSEDという名の通り、明日もあなたに幸せが訪れますようにという願いが込められています。
By using this coat stand, you will have a lot of fun hanging your favorite coats, shirts, and pants.
This coat stand is designed to be functional on all sides, as you can see from the fact that you can place bags and other items on the base.
Some people hang their clothes neatly, while others hang their clothes carelessly.
This coat stand has the capacity to accommodate all of them.
As the name FINGERS CROSSED suggests, it contains the wish that happiness will come to you tomorrow as well.
指を交差させ十字架のようにポーズをとることをFINGERS CROSSEDといい、「幸運を祈る」という意味を持ちます。このコートハンガーはその指のポーズをモチーフにデザインしました。
「今日の日よ、ありがとう。明日も良い日でありますように。」という感謝と願いを込めてそのままFINGERS CROSSEDと名づけました。
"Be grateful for today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a great day."
FINGERS CROSSED means crossing your fingers and making a pose like a cross, and it means "praying for good luck." This coat hanger was designed with that finger pose as its motif.
We named it FINGERS CROSSED, expressing our gratitude and wish that "Be grateful for today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a great day"
Movie / FINGERS CROSSED https://vimeo.com/1069219188?share=copy#t=0